MAXJJ 予約に関する掲示板
Please contact MAXJJ for any problem regarding reservations.
2020/10/19 (Mon) 17:11:58
・ステージ 2 & 3 への参加には事前のグループ登録が必要です。グルーピングの際は、まず予約の前にMaxかマサトにご相談ください。
・ステージ 2 & 3合併クラスは、各グループからの参加者数によって専有エリア数が変わります。
How to Use the reservation system:
・ Please make a reservation by 1 hour before the class starts. Please enter your name, email and phone number in "Zenkaku" fonts, otherwise error will occur.
・ Reservations of Stage 1 are accepted up to the first 8 individual persons in the writing order.
・ If you wish to join any Stage 2 & 3 classes, you need to register as "A GROUP". Please consult Max or Masato for finding your partners before making your first reservation.
・For stage 3 classes, when there are 2 or less from your group, you'll have 1/6 space, and 3 or more from your group, 2/6 spaces will be allocated.
・ Please delete your reservations immediately when you decide cancellation.
・ You may be asked to considering cancellations, when there is a group who could not join any class at all during the week.
2020/10/22 (Thu) 23:52:40
Please note that the reservation capacity for Stage 1&2 Combined class on Friday night is different from all the Stage 3 classes.
The maximum reservation capacity for Stage 1&2 combined Class, is max. 3 pairs (6 persons) and max. 2 individuals. The total 8 persons.
Pairs can stay for the Stage 2 part, while the individuals can only stay upto Stage 1 part. But 1 of the 2 individuals can pick the dummy as a partner and can stay for the stage 2 part, however, the content of the training is not the same as the other pairs.
We are sorry for making it confusing.
Here is how you make reservations correctly.
If there are 3 persons from your group, please reserve your spot as 1 pair ( 2 persons) and 1 individual.
If there are 4 persons from your group, please reserve as 2 separate pairs.
One of the individuals who reserves a dummy partner first, can stay for the stage 2 part, but the content of the training is different from the other pairs.